For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. In this you have done foolishly; therefore from now on you shall have wars.” 2 Chr. 16:9 (NKJV)
There are enough battles in life without inviting avoidable war. But that is just what Asa, king of Judah did. He was being threatened by King Baasha of the North Kingdom. Rather than relying on the God who had delivered larger, more formidable enemies into his hands in the past, Asa formed an alliance with Syria. Compared to the trouble Syria would later cause his country, Israel was nothing but a mere nuisance.
When Judah could have finally defeated the last great threat to Asa’s reign and enjoyed a prolonged period of peace, they instead found themselves embroiled in one war after another. No peace. No rest. Just trouble. All because of the foolishness of the king who would rather trust the strength of an unholy alliance than the power of an almighty God.
What was true for Judah nationally is also true for us personally. Life is a series of battles. There are wars we all must fight; enemies we must conquer. Too many of us, however, find ourselves fighting unnecessary wars and facing improbable enemies because we fail to rely on God in the battle. Instead, we trust our own strength or ingenuity, or worse, we form alliances with those who mean us only harm. I have seen pastors lose churches this way. I have seen husbands lose wives this way. I have seen people lose careers this way.
As you brace yourself to face whatever enemy is breathing threats your way today, let me urge you to FIRST get on your knees and enlist the aid of the One Who has all power and all wisdom. He will fight with you. And in ways you may never even know, He will fight FOR you. Fail to call upon Him and you run the risk of not only losing the battle that rages now, but opening yourself up for battles you were never intended to fight.
You have heard soldiers say, “War is hell.” That is especially true if you are fighting a war that you were never meant to fight in the first place.
So, as you dress for battle today, make certain you have identified who the real enemy is…
- Be careful about making unhealthy alliances.
- Make sure you have put on the whole armor of God.
- Be dead certain that you are marching under the banner of the Cross.
- Then, join the battle.
- Win the victory.
- And rest.
A Prayer For Today: “Father, I am facing (name it here) today. I do not know exactly how to fight this battle. I know that You do. Please, give me Your wisdom, grace and strength. Give me the victory. Please keep me from opening myself up to unnecessary dangers by being foolish or presumptuous. Fight with me, Lord. Fight for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”