that I haven’t learned much from experience
Drivetime is Primetime for Book-Learning
The Highway to Hell… I cannot prove it, but I believe the highway to Hell is an east-west artery in the heart of Dallas/Ft Worth, a sadistic stretch of life-draining asphalt, innocently named Hwy 183. Along the stretch of 183 that separates my home from my office, is a cross-street aptly named Industrial Blvd. I intend…
Drivetime is Primetime for Book-Learning
Making the most of the Highway to Hell
Misery loves (your) company
You are not the chosen one, but you are chosen
A boss and a leader walk into a bar…
There are only two ways to influence human behavior. you can manipulate it or you can inspire it. Simon Sinek This quote from Simon has been weighing heavily on me today. I have put it on the scale, weighed it in the balances, and found it fair. In every way I can think to influence…
A boss and a leader walk into a bar…
Manipulation vs Inspiration and why it matters which one you are
Begin Again
Starting is one thing. Starting over is another. Starting over and over is what has made me…me
Nova: the brief, bright life of an influencer
This is for all the lonely people wishing to be influencers. Nova means not for long A nova is a strong, rapid increase in the brightness of a star. The word comes from the latin for “new star,” because often a star previously too dim to be seen with the naked eye can become the…
What the Prodigy Said to his Progeny: a (very) open letter
Listen Children, and I will tell you the story of the pitfalls of the prodigious. I was a prodigy – not universally acclaimed but thought to be so by those who knew me. I knew before I was double digits in age what I wanted to do with my life, and who I wanted to…