Some folks want to be somebody while others just want somebody to be. Don’t brag about tomorrow, since you don’t know what the day will bring. 2Let someone else praise you, not your own mouth” a stranger, not your own lips. 3A stone is heavy and sand is weighty, but the resentment caused by a…
Top 10 Things I Love about my Mom
Top 10 things about my Mom: Faith. I have called her the true believer so many times, and that is what she is. Mom was, in her day, a powerful alto singer. She had that Adelle quality voice before there was an Adelle. A few songs I cannot hear without hearing my Mom sing them….
Writing in pencil gives you wings, but the ink in the inkwell of life is indelible
Forget Red Bull. Blackwing gives you wings. Getting ready for a big moment today, I hauled out my trusty Blackwing 602 lead pencil and scratched More than a year ago, Donya bought me a box of these special pencils used by some of America’s great writers and sketchers. I wrote about it here. And here’s…
Sixty-one years to Wednesday: a traveler’s guide to life from a misguided traveler
Today, we are 61 years removed from September 28, 1961. That maybe means more to me than most. In 1961, President Eisenhower left the White House in the care of President-elect John F. Kennedy, who urged Americans to Ask not what your country can do for you (Apparently, his Democratic successors were not paying attention,…
Vapor: the impossible brevity of everything!
Vapor… I don’t care if you are the modern version of Methuselah, you are only here for a little while. A very little while. I try not to think about that every day but every now and then I do, and all the more frequently since my July 4th near-miss heart attack.
A very little while, indeed.
Learn to be still to find what you are looking for: A message from Don Henley and others
The Eagles Rock N Roll Theology Listening to the Eagles on Spotify, I came across the song Learn to be Still and could not remember knowing it, though maybe I did at some point. The song arrested my attention, so I listened to it on a loop for a while before looking up the lyrics….
MOJO: where did it go and how do I get it back?
I lived, for awhile, in Odessa, Texas when I was a boy. My Dad and his partner, a fellow named Earl, owned and operated Basin Battery & Electric in Odessa, and my grandfather was pastor of some little independent Baptist church, the name of which I do not recall. If I had to guess, I…
My Independence Day Heart Attack: A Near-Life Experience
For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. -The Apostle Paul to the church at Philippi, Philippians 1:21, the Holy Bible For most Americans, Independence Day 2022 will be remembered as a day of tragedy and triumph. The triumph of the American ideal of ‘liberty for all’ continues to hold sway…
Today marks our 42nd wedding anniversary, Donya and me. Forty-two years of marriage. Forty-two years of marriage. Forty-two! My good friend and coworker Keith Craft, when teaching someone about something that is difficult to accomplish, likes to say, ‘It sounds easy if you say it real fast.’ I don’t know if you can say 42…
Poller Opposites: How pollsters, polls and “popular opinion” manipulate us
“There are lies, damn lies, and statistics.” Mark Twain It starts with peer pressure There is no pressure like peer pressure. ‘Everyone is doing it’ is more than a young teen’s cry when trying to get by with wearing a too-short skirt or drinking or smoking weed at a party. It is the pressure we…