Ron Washington, Texas Rangers manager 2007 – 2014, and the one who famously said, “That’s the way baseball go.
ode to wash: the way baseball go (to the tune of the night before christmas)
‘Twas the night after Halloween and all through the stands
Not a soul was silent, not one single fan.
Their signs were all made and displayed with flair
In hopes of a win they would all get to share.
The fans were all decked in their blue and their red,
With visions of glory alive in their heads.
And I in my ball cap and mom in her tee
Were cheering our lungs out for good Mr. Lee.
Things were all going according to plan
Lee was on target; He was our man.
But what happened next made everyone hurt:
A three-run homer by a guy old as dirt!
“Now Hamilton, Andrus! Now Nellie and Vlad!
We need you to wake up and we need it bad!
We don’t fear the beard and neither should you;
Now get to that plate and do what you do!”
Josh went down swinging and Vlad, he did too
They just couldn’t hit the stuff that crazy Freak threw.
But I stood and I screamed as Nellie missed that last pitch,
“Just wait ’til next year, you sonuvabitch!”
We stayed and we cheered even when our team lost,
For they got us here and we knew what it cost.
Then we shrugged ’cause we knew what we’ve all come to know
They did what they do. That’s the way baseball go.
November 2, 2010