I know it is a little…well, anyway. If I won’t quote me, who will?
The comfort zone and the end zone are not even on the same field.
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary, just do it.
You can’t always show out but you can always show up. Start there.
I wish I had the certainty of youth and the wisdom of age but they cancel each other out.
Without perspiration, inspiration is impotent. Without inspiration, perspiration is just…pungent.
Laugh like you have never known sorrow. Love like you have never known betrayal. Live like you have never known disappointment. Joy is not the absence of hardship, but the presence of peace, perspective, and persistence. Prove me wrong.
The most limited mind is that of the know-it-all. If you “know everything,” you can’t learn anything.
At the end of the day, it’s the end of the day and there is no way to retrieve its opportunities or invest in its possibilities. All you can do is mourn its losses, celebrate its victories, and learn its lessons. If you let it be a lesson unlearned, expect another pop quiz on the same subject tomorrow or someday soon.
What is the difference between fame and fortune? Well, if you are something to everybody, then you are famous. If you are everything to somebody, you are fortunate.
Foresight is the ability to envision opportunities and anticipate obstacles. Insight is the ability to maximize opportunities and minimize obstacles. Hindsight is what you are left with when foresight and insight are absent.
The habitat of history – It’s easy to imagine a conclusion was foregone when studying history. It is less certain for those making history. When the outcome is in doubt, the risk is absolute, and the potential cost ominous, THAT is the place where faith and fortitude calm the nerves and steady the hands. That is the habitat of the history-maker.
A beautiful thought – Beauty doesn’t have to do. It only has to be. And because it is, it does. That is the beauty of it.
Without perspiration, inspiration is impotent. Without inspiration, perspiration is just…pungent.Inspiration and Perspiration
Without perspiration, inspiration is impotent. Without inspiration, perspiration is just…pungent.Know-it-alls
The most limited mind is that of the know-it-all. If you “know everything,” you can’t learn anything.Foresight is the ability to envision opportunities and anticipate obstacles. Insight is the ability to maximize opportunities and minimize obstacles. Hindsight is what you are left with when foresight and insight are absent
Leaver’s Lament
If all you’ve ever done is leave, the time will come when all you’ve left is done.
If all you ever climbed was the corporate ladder, you never lived.Same bullshit…different pasture.A beautiful thought
Beauty doesn’t have to do. It only has to be. And because it is, it does. That is the beauty of it.FAILURE: TEACHER OR TYRANT?
Every failure is either a teacher or a tyrant. It batters you or betters you. It makes you or breaks you. It lowers you or lifts you. Only you can decide which.
An extraordinary observation
Extraordinary only exists because of ordinary. If every event or moment were extraordinary, none of them would be. Life is mostly made up of the mundane. If you can find value in putting extraordinary effort into ordinary things, you, my friend, ARE extraordinary.
The Other Golden Rule?
Silence is golden when it’s the silence of a friend and there’s nothing to be said. When, however, it’s the silence of a friend who ought to have spoken up, it’s fool’s gold.
Almost too easy
That which is easy to attain is impossible to appreciate. That which is too easy is too easy. The price reflects the value and vice versa.
Voting is for those who wish to be heard and not just herded. Vote!
What shall I make today? The easiest thing in the world to make is an excuse. The second easiest thing to make is a difference, All you have to do to make a difference is eliminate the excuse.
Take a stand I mean a knee
Too many stand where they should kneel and kneel where they should stand. Get it right, and you find strength beyond your own. Get it wrong and even your strength is weakness.
Those who have, talk about the stuff of dreams. Those who have not, dream of the stuff the dreamers have.
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. – The Apostle Paul, Philippians 4:11
Whether or not the weather changes, can you weather changes?
“For you have been a strong place for the poor and the crushed in their trouble, a safe place from the storm, a shade from the heat…” Isaiah 25:4
Expected or inspected
If you are one of those people who only does what is expected when it is inspected, take a moment to reconcile this fact: You won’t ever make a real difference or leave any kind of worthwhile legacy.
Dog Fight!
Sometimes it IS the size of the dog in the fight.If you tell everything you know, it is doubtful you know anything worth telling.
Almost is the bitterest pill of all.
Suspicious minds
Suspect characters suspect characters of suspect character. Those who assume the worst in everyone expose the worst in themselves…which is the opposite of the pure in heart Paul mentioned to Titus. (Titus 1:15, The Holy Bible KJV)
If you cannot detect God on a Carmel beach at sunset, you are a defective detective.
at Carmel-By-The-Sea, California
I have dreamed more than I have done and I have done more than I dared dream…and still, I dream of more. Dream on!
There’s no business like go business when it’s go time. Gene the JourneyMan
It’s easy to turn to Christ in crises…but don’t leave Him out of your “kick-ass” moments. He’s comfortable there, too, and more responsible for them than we tend to recognize.
Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. .. ~Ephesians 6:18 (NLT)
Everybody’s darling is nobody’s darling. Remember that crap when it all turns to crap. I said this once and it was true. Still is.
The struggle is the reward
I have observed that more often than not things that are too convenient are too convenient, that which is easily attained is of little value, and the primrose path leads to the Land of the Unfulfilled. When you have finally attained that thing, that position, that moment you so desperately struggled and fought to achieve, you may realize that the struggle was actually the reward.
Opinions are like assholes but nobody wants an asshole’s opinion. (Just a little twist on an oldie but goody.)
Found fit
Sometimes you get to find where you fit. Other times, you gotta fit where you’re found. Either way, it’s a tight fit.
Listen, Class. Every class needs a Little Johnny and every Johnny needs a little class.
Stand up
What will you do when standing up means standing out? It is easy to talk tough until it is tough to talk. Everybody is ready to do something until something must be done.
Don’t miss the next flight just because you missed the last train.
I have been reflecting on the question: Which is worse? Too much reflection or none at all?
Here’s to the bitter loser. Good losers are usually good losers.
Torn between two lobes
“You can win friends and influence people, or you can ‘win’ arguments and alienate them. But you can’t do both at the same time.” That’s what my right brain said. Then, my left brain said, “Eh. How many friends does one guy need anyways?”
Humility is an indispensable component of true greatness. Its absence makes great things seem small and its presence elevates small things to greatness.
These are complex times, which means there has never been a greater need for what Ron Van Zandt called a “simple kind of man.” Trying to figure out who you are and where you stand? Just be something “you love and understand.”
In a world that identifies more genders than Dr. Pepper’s 23 flavors, we need some simple men who are simply…men.
Nothing is for nothing. Every path and every person has a purpose. Find your path. Fulfill YOUR purpose…and be fulfilled.
Find your path. Find yourself.
If you have it in you, there is no way to keep it there. If you don’t have it in you, there is no way to get it there. On Having Soul
A nightmare is a dream hijacked. Dream on. Dream through. Dream big. Dream until your dreams come true. Because I’ve always been a dreamer!
Why do we use verbal qualifiers to temper our commitment?
I’m a bit perturbed.
I’m somewhat interested.
Forget that half-stepping, bet-hedging BS. Nobody who was a bit perturbed ever changed anything. No one who was somewhat interested ever made a worthwhile investment or difference. Like my Dad used to say when I stood in the doorway with the door ajar: Son, you’re letting in the flies and letting out the cool air. Either get in or out.†Hey, either get in or out. Otherwise, you’re just lukewarm, swatting flies. Share to Facebook, August 6, 2020