Audio Version The Christian world celebrates this day, the Friday before Easter Sunday, as “Good Friday.” It is the day we remember the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, as recorded by the four gospel authors, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. If we had been among Jesus’ followers on that Friday (or Thursday, or Wednesday, depending on…
Category: Jesus Christ
Zaccheus coming down
I’m up in this tree That was built just for me It was planted, I don’t know, About a century ago Only God knew back then About a wee little man Who needed this tree To go out on a limb On his way back to Him. I never stood out Was lost in the…
Famous last words and what they reveal about all of us
“Famous last words” has become a derisive or playful phrase to express doubt about some assertion made.
Your friend says, “I can cross this creek in a single bound.”
You reply, “Famous last words.”
But what about the actual famous last words of famous – or infamous – people? What do they tell us about life and death…and ourselves?
Let’s see…
If there is no Easter, then what?
So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life. That way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun. Ecclesiastes 8:15 (NLT) But tell me this ”since we preach that Christ rose from…
The sun shines…even when it doesn’t
Some trips are for business; others are for pleasure. This was neither. Having just come off a lengthy business trip that also included times of fun and relaxation, my wife and I landed at DFW early Thursday morning, only to leave Friday afternoon on a trip both of us wished was not necessary. We learned…
Christmas brings the King who trumps all presidents
While millions wring their hands and fret that a terribly unqualified man is days from assuming the position of “leader of the free world,” aka, the presidency of the United States of America, I take comfort in knowing that presidents, kings, and rulers rise to power, relinquish it, find favor with the people and…
’twas the night before…
Twas the Night Before Everything changed forever. Imagine a world without Christma a world without Christ. Imagine a world without the Golden Rule. Imagine a world where no one ever turned the other cheek. Imagine a world where the last could never be first and the least could never be most. Imagine a world ruled…
After the Storm
Mumford and Sons is one of my favorite bands. Tonight, I was listening to”After the Storm” for the umpteenth time and for the first time, I really listened.I was struck by these lyrics in particular: And I won’t die alone and be left thereWell, I guess I’ll just go home, oh God knows whereBecause death…
A little good news today
I write about politics, current events, pop culture, and other disturbing trends on my website, write about the Dallas Cowboys, the NFL, and other sports topics atSilver and BlueBlood. Frankly, much of what I read and hear and subsequently offer commentary on is negative. It is often disturbing and can even be depressing. I sure…
September 3, 1983: A day that shall live inside of me
Dateline: Friday, September 2, 1983 The day began like any other day might, if that day included your being a ministry student living in the married couples’ dorms at Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri, married to your nine-months-pregnant, ready-to-pop high school sweetheart, father of a two year old toddling girl, facing five classes between…